Asian Porn- Friend or Foe

As the Nudge's Muse I'd immediately like to get into an important topic facing us with the upcoming new year rapidly approaching. The topic being blurred Asian Pornography. Let's face it, it's the pits. This lovely lady directly above us is Maria Ozawa. Many of us know her and appreciate her work literally 4 times a day (and if you don't well than your an idiot). But why the blurred shot one might say. Well I've been asking myself that since the minute I laid eyes on her on every one's fav family website Tube8, but that's an entirely different discussion all together and part of the reason I have limited time to write this.
So why show Maria in 3/4 of her glory? Why give us the TV without the remote? The Angry without the G? Just doesn't make sense. Worst off I have to see the Maria's (me and her are on a 1st name basis) on screen counter part's final product. Overall, what can be the rating system on such a movie. XXX umm no...Well I ll give it a rating S...for Stupid. Well I'm gonna boycott this non sense, wait there's a new upload. Hope it's not a tranny surprise and I'm not talking about the bill my mechanic gave me when my transmission blew.

That's what she said,
Mikey Love

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